2B Digital Link Interface

Now currently shipped with v2.105/2.106 firmware. and Uplink2.1 and 2.3

Beta firmware for the 2B is now available to our registered developers. Register now (it is free!!!) at https://www.e-stim.net

Our Digital Link Interface is a USB driven digital interface system designed to allow you to connect your 2B™ directly to your computer via USB. It is supplied with a USB Memory Stick containing instructions on how to install the Digital Link Interface Cable along with various drivers and copies of our various control programs such as Commander 3™ and E-Stim Connect which will then allow the control of your 2B via your PC or Mac , while UpLink2™ will allow you to update your 2B to the latest firmware.

Please note that UpLink2.1 & 2.3 are NOT available separately to this pack.

For general details on how to use these programs then visit the relevant links above, where you will also find helpful instructions on how to install them and some troubleshooting guides. You may also wish to join our Forum.


The Uplink2™ software is supplied as part of the Digital Link System and allows you to upgrade your 2B without having to send your unit back to us. In order to do this you need the link drivers (see below), the Digital Link System and the Uplink software. Once everything is up and running you can then download the latest firmware* and install via your PC or Mac.

UpLink2 software is supplied with the Digital Link Interface. It is not available separately. Uplink2 software updates are available if you return your uplink CD directly to us. Do not attempt to use older versions of UpLink They will NOT work with the new firmware files.

*Please note for technical reasons not all updates are available via Uplink, and there may be delays between updates being available via Uplink and our other Update services.

USB Digital Link

In order to use the 2B with the link cable you must ensure your 2B is running a minimum of software version 2.07. To update using UpLink you need to have the bootloader installed and be running a minimum of firmware version 2.104.

2B control units with older software versions many not have the additional hardware needed to work correctly with the link, and may need to be returned to E-Stim Systems for an upgrade BEFORE the link cable will work.

The USB Link is only designed to work with the 2B. It will not operate with any of our other current control units.

The Digital Link Interface contains all the additional electronics to connect the 2B to a PC or Mac with a spare USB connection.

For instructions on how to install the Digital Link drivers, if necessary the see the below links.

Installing Digital Link Drivers on a PC

Installing Digital Link Drivers on a Mac

Linux Users should find the USB driver is included in the kernel (assuming you are using 2.6.31 or above). Please note that although we supply notes for Linux, we don't currently offer support on Linux.


Should you need to manually install drivers for the Digital Link Interface then please visit https://e-stim.info/downloads/drivers where you will find downloads for the currently supported operating systems.

The Bootloader

The Bootloader is a small program sitting inside your 2B that is only used when you update the main firmware (the program that controls the 2B itself). Older versions of the 2B prior to firmware version 2.104 do not have a bootloader, so you need to install it first. Click for instructions on installing the Bootloader.

Installing the bootloader is fast, but it is critical. If you 'brick' your 2B and cannot provide the debug log file, or you have installed a beta that failed, then you will have to return your 2B to our workshops for a Workshop Upgrade.

Firmware Upgrades

The Firmware files are encrypted data files. Do NOT attempt to edit them as corrupted data files could potentially damage your 2B and will invalidate your Lifetime Guarantee. Click for further instructions on how to install the Firmware.

Beta Versions of our Firmware are available from https://www.e-stim.net publicly released version of Firmware are available from our Firmware Downloads Page

Version 2.07 is the minimum Firmware required to operate the 2B Digital Link Interface System. Should you have a 2B with version 2.06 or below, then you will need to return your unit for a Workshop Upgrade. Version 2.09 is the minimum required to operate with Commander™ 2.104 has the Bootloader installed, but if you are upgrading from an older release the you will need to install the Bootloader first.

You do NOT need to install older firmware updates, the latest firmware version will have all the options and bug fixes of earlier releases.

Please note BETA files (marked with a 'B' in the version) have not yet been fully tested, and may have bugs. If you find any please report them on our Forum. Before attempting to download and install BETA files, you must ensure that you are running the latest version of UpLink, and have the latest Bootloader installed.

Please note these firmware files are ©E-Stim Systems Ltd and are NOT offered for redistribution. All rights are reserved. Driver files are © their respective owners.

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